Willkommenskulturen stärken

In the previous months a lot of citizens got actively involved in supporting refugees who just arrived here in Berlin. But not all supporters already have lots of experience in working with refugees. Sometimes irritations and unintentionally difficult situations occur. Experience in dealing with people, who are often traumatized by war, expulsion and flight, and a critical awareness of racist stereotypes and structures in our society and our own thinking are of great significance for working with migrants.
This six-part series of seminars, that took place from September to November 2015, was addressed to people who work with migrants and refugees or who want to support them in future. We threw spotlights on the causes for flight and migration and the share our lifestyle in the global north contributes to it. Moreover, the courses opened up a space for critical self-reflection and exchange about the everyday work with refugees. We also discussed concrete steps and practices how to take a stand against racist stereotypes and patterns that we encounter in our daily lives and social environments.

You can find educational material and links from our workshops in the ‘resources‘-section of this website (partly in German, partly in English).

Dates: September – November 2015