What has our lifestyle got to do with the current situation at Europe’s borders? Our clothes, our food, our smartphone – where do they come from, who is producing these goods and who is paying the price for them? We compiled material that documents what’s often not mentioned in the heated debates on migration: that the rich industrial countries themselves established causes of flight and migration, since colonialism. In order to take responsibility we don’t want to confine ourselves to an analysis of what should be done on a general level, but to ask what we can do in our everyday lives to contribute to a fairer world.
Some facts and figures
Focussing on…
Child labour
- Video: The dark side of chocolate
- Video: World Vision Child Labour
- ILO definition of child labour
- World report on child labour
Resource exploitation
- Video: Blood coltan
- Video: Crisis in the Congo
- Ewan Sutherland: Coltan, the Congo and your cell phone
- UNEP: Sand, rarer than one thinks
Oil in Nigeria
- The Guardian investigations video: Oil spills in Nigeria: The true price of crude oil
- The Guardian article
- Amnesty international news
- Essay in the International Journal of Business and Social Science
Land grabbing
- Land Matrix Project – an interactive website with stats and infographics, that illustrated very well the hugh dimensions of land robbery
- Essay on www.future-agricultures.org: Land Grabbing in Africa and the New Politics of Food
- Via campesina and Hands off the land network: Land concentration, land grabbing and people’s struggles in Europe.
- Hands off the land: The European Union and the Global Land Grab.
- This is Africa website: Land Grabbing in Africa, the new colonialism
- Video: The Multinational Corporations Stealing Huge Tracts Of Ethiopian Farmland
- Video: Land Grabbing In Africa: 21st Century Colonialism
- Video: The Land Grab – Uganda’s farmers battle with palm oil producers
Trade agreements
- Oxfam Video: EU Trade Agreements with Central America, Colombia and Peru
- Animation film
- exbnews Video: The Honey Trap
- Oxfam: Signing Away The Future
- Oxfam: Unequal partners
- BBC news: The unequal battle over West Africa’s rich fish stocks
- Swedish Society of Nature Conservation Report: To draw the line
- EU website on trade agreements
Climate change
- German centre for political education: Which Effects Do Global Environmental Changes Have for Migration Relations?
- Video: Climate Refugees of Bangladesh
- Case study: Climate Refugees in Bangladesh
- Brot für die Welt: “Climate Refugees” beyond Copenhagen
- Global Estimates 2015: People displaced by disasters