We are happy to announce that solar e.V. is part of the European project “If I were in your shoes. The transformational power of good practice in larping”. All partners apply live role playing and related practices in informal and/ or formal contexts to provide a unique immersive experience for trainers and staff of the participating organisations. This is inclusive and holistic performative practice can be applied to a broad range of topics such as peace-building, migration, democracy, etc. Enabled by the Erasmus+ partnership program, we intend to explore and exchange best-practice examples in terms of facilitation and content from the five international partners in this project:
Ludwig-Maximilians-University München, Germany
LajvVerkstaden Sverige ekonomisk förening, Sweden
Associazione Culturale e a.s.d. Laboratorio 41, Italy
BOB, zavod za izobrazevanje in kulturne dejavnosti, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Through this project we aim at giving the staff of all partners the chance to participate and benefit from our gained knowledge and creativity and give professional feedback for further development. Therefore the tools and methods will be evaluated systematically. The duration of the project is June 2021 – June 2023. If you wish to learn more about the project, please contact us. Further information is available soon under http://www.practicelarp.net