Here you find an overview of upcoming seminars and trainings that we and our partner organisation OBUK e.V. organize. OBUK e.V. is responsible for the content of the seminars and workshops offered by them.
- Categories
- Tags Antirassismus Armut Ausbeutung Beratung Berlin Bewegung Bildung critical whiteness decolonize Deutschland discrimination education eduLARP Energiesparen Entwicklung Erasmus+ Erinnerungskultur Fahrrad fleeing Flight Flucht Flüchtlinge Fluchtursachen Fremdenfeindlichkeit Game Geflüchtete Gerechtigkeit Geschichte globale Gerechtigkeit Globalisierung Herero inclusion Information Inklusion integration intersectionality Intersektional Kaunatjike Klima klimafreundlich Klimagerechtigkeit Klimaschutz klimaverträglich Klimawandel Kolonialgeschichte Kolonialismus Konsum kritisch LARP Methode Migrant Migration Mobilität Nachbarschaft Nahverkehr Nama Namibia NKI Nulltarif ökologisch Padagogik postkolonial Powersharing Privilegien racism Rassismus Rassismus verlernen Rollenspiel Sensibilisierung Simulation Simulationsspiel Spiel Stadtspaziergang Stereotypen Tool Trainer Umweltschutz Verkehr Verkehrswende Völkermord Vorurteile Wandel Weißensee weißsein Wohlstand Zugewanderte zukunftsfähig
Background of the project
“ Training For Nature” project was developed based on the fact that the world nowadays is facing very dramatic challenges caused by global warming, desertification and acid rain or atmospheric pollution which took the shape of an environmental crisis affecting the earth balance and having consequences as spread of tropical diseases, malnutrition, relocation and reunification of
refugees and immigrant families, housing and food challenges, disaster relief and changes to employment patterns. Unsustainable models of advancement, unequal power relations and unequal dissemination and use of resources, key to the current worldwide socio-economic system of neo-liberalism, worsen structural disparities and influence most poor and low-income individuals.
The main goal of the project is to increase the capacity of youth-related organizations in Europe to become more sustainable and environmentally oriented in their work. The training course offers to the participants a holistic understanding of the unity and interdependence of human society and the natural environment. At the same time, we will offer a series of tools to participants that will enable them to trigger learning processes within young people in relation with the action they can take to protect the environment and build a sustainable community.
More specific objectives are:
– To provide tools and methods to 25 youth workers from 7 countries in Europe to enable young people engage in more sustainable and environmentally friendly activities in their daily life.
– To create environmentally friendly attitudes among 25 youth workers in order to help young people commit to a sustainable lifestyle and make environmentally friendly changes in their daily behaviour.
– To stimulate the participants to act as “environment agents” in their own organization and regions.
– To create a networking framework that would enhance the organizational and professional development of the 7 partner organizations towards interventions focused on environment and sustainable development.
The project brings together 7 partner organization from all around Europe in Romania, in an environmentally friendly location. They will share good practice, experience new methods and explore new sides of an environmentally oriented type of intervention.
Target group and criteria
The participants of the project are envisioned to be youth workers or other practitioners active in the nongovernmental partner organizations who wish to design and implement environmentally oriented activities with the young people they are working with. Therefore, they can be social workers, project managers, volunteer coordinators, communications coordinators, psychologists, community
facilitators, etc.
Following the title “Water is Life – Educational Approaches on Water and Sustainability”, we will try out educational approaches and methods for 10 days. We will discover and exchange methods which will enable the participants to cover the various dimensions (ecological, economic, social and political, human rights) of the topic “water & sustainability” in their educational day-to-day work. The training strongly focuses on getting to know different pedagogical approaches in a direct manner. Thus, the participants will have the opportunity to try out, evaluate and discuss a variety of methods: a simulation game, excursions and guided tours, nutrition based on a sustainability index, as well as other interactive & non-formal methods which are tied to intercultural, environmental and outdoor education. In addition, participants will be taught background and basic knowledge about water and sustainability.
The training is aimed at full-time and voluntary youth workers (32 participants) from Germany, Romania, Albania, Slovakia, Serbia, Tunisia, Finland and Italy, especially those who are invested in environmental education.
More information:
About the project:
Millions of people are on the move worldwide as a result of war, discrimination, social inequality, climate change and economic deprivation in the hope to find a better future elsewhere. At the same time there is no clear European strategy helping to deal with those problems fostered by the “global north”, but a policy of fighting refugees by closing and militarizing borders and transit countries and criminalizing rescue helpers at sea. The refugees who manage to enter the European Union are confronted with tightened laws, with the demoralizing & protracting procedure for granting the right of asylum, with social exclusion, racism and stereotypes. Additional the rising right-wing populist movements, the anti-Muslim discourses, xenophobia and fake news in media foster violence and encourage people to crackdown on refugees, migrants and their supporters.
But the immigration of hundred of thousands of people to Europe brought as well new perspectives of self-organization and empowerment to the communities. Many progressive projects were starting all over Europe during the last year supporting, empowering and fighting for better conditions and freedom of all people in and outside Europe. With our training we want to have a closer look on the new approaches, networks and on best-practice examples of inclusion. We will create a space for exchange for participants with different perspectives and privileges, who are affected in various forms of discrimination. For this successful exchange and learning process allparticipants should be actively involved in processes of inclusion,in (self-)empowerment projects for refugeesand/or migrants and/orin contact with migration (self-)organizations or even part ofmigration self-organizations. We will involve youth workers, facilitators, youth leaders and activists with and without ownmigration and/or flight experiences.
Our ten-day-training about”Refugees in Europe” will take place in Berlin from03.02.-12.02.2018.
We expect trainers, youth workers & activists from Finland, Portugal, Germany, Italy,Romania, the Netherlands and Greece who work with youth and youngadults.
We charge a participant fee of 100 Euro/ person (reduced 50 Euro, following your own estimation) forthe training.
Onlineapplication to fill in:
Phone: (+49) 030 86 87 01519
The immigration of hundreds of thousands of people to Europe brought new perspectives of self-organization and empowerment to the communities. Many progressive projects were starting all over Europe during the last years. They are supporting, empowering and fighting for better conditions and freedom of all people in and outside Europe. The networking-conference IntERAct will bring people together from various European countries. In more than 10 workshops political activists, empowerment trainers, NGO-members and voluntary supporters will discuss current political topics from violence against migrants over common European strategies in populist times up to the new European border regimes and newly discussed immigration-laws. We will exchange and discuss our approaches of self-organisation, empowerment and inclusion.
The IntERAct conference is embedded in the European Training course “Refugees in Europe”, which is organized by the Berlin NGO solar e.V. together with five European partners. Under the slogan “We will rise” the participants will open their doors together with the local partner trixiewiz e.V. to create new networks and get in a deeper European exchange. Refugees and migrants-groups should focus stronger on a common European struggle: United we can learn from each other – united we can fight together for refugees and migrants rights!
After the discussion and exchange programme we want to dance and celebrate our newly created connections with a diverse cultural programme.
The conference-meeting will be held mainly in English language, but we will try to organize whispering-translation as much as needed and possible.
09:30 – 12:00 | Workshop Phase I: Current political discussions (>>> click here for details about the workshops and for registration)
12:00 – 13:00 | Networking
13:00 – 14:30 | Lunch
14:30 – 16:30 | Workshop Phase II: Self organisation and empowerment (>>> click here for details about the workshops and for registration)
16:30 – 17:30 | Networking
17:30 – 19:00 | Dinner
19:00 – 24:00 | Cultural programme with Antinational Embassy, One day today Theater and Cloud Making Machine Film.
With inputs from: Watch the med/alarmphone, we born free radioe (bino), Borderline Europe, Moabit hilft, life back home-Project, trixiewiz e.V., Jugendliche ohne Grenzen, Aeham Ahmad, Reach out
Entrance free – donations welcome.
Please register online in advance under:
Seit einem Jahr arbeiten wir als Projektleiter eines europäischen Konsortiums an der Entwicklung des Rollen- und Simulationsspiels „In the footsteps of a migrant“. Dieses wird die komplexe Realität von Flucht, Asyl und Inklusion in Europa zum Thema haben. Das interaktive Spielformat soll die Empathie der Teilnehmenden wecken, sie für ihre eigenen Stereotype sensibilisieren und zum kritischen Denken anregen. Wir verstehen das Projekt als ein Instrument, um Stereotypen, Rassismus, Fremdenfeindlichkeit und Polarisierung in den europäischen Gesellschaften zu bekämpfen und demokratische Werte, Vielfalt und die Achtung der Menschenrechte zu stärken.
Das Spiel wird modular aufgebaut sein und auch an den lokalen Rahmen angepasst werden. Deshalb laden wir Projekten, Vereinen und Einzelpersonen aus unserer Region zu einem Informations- und Austauschtreffen ein. Neben der Information zum Projekt ist für uns vor allem auch das Feedback zu unseren Planungen und Ideen wichtig, um das Spiel möglichst nah an den Bedürfnissen der späteren Nutzendengruppen auszurichten.
Das Simulations- und Rollenspiel, kann später im Rahmen von Seminaren, Aktions- und Projekttagen oder Workshops Anwendung finden. Es soll in verschiedenen Bildungsbereichen und mit unterschiedlichen Zielgruppen eingesetzbar sein. Am Ende der Entwicklungsphase bieten wir zudem die Ausbildung von spezialisierten Tutor_innen an. Die Anleitung und Materialien des Spiels werden unter offener Lizenz später frei zugänglich sein.
Geflüchtete und Migrant_innen werden in der Methodenentwicklung aktiv einbezogen, um die unterschiedlichen Erfahrungen, die Flüchtende in Europa machen, realitätsnah einfließen zu lassen. Dazu arbeiten wir auch intensiv mit Partner Organisationen in anderen europäischen Ländern zusammen.
Wir laden Euch zum ersten Informations- und Austauschtreffen am Montag, 15. Oktober von 16:00-18:00 Uhr im Kultur- und Bildungszentrum, Bernkasteler Str. 78, 13088 Berlin-Weißensee ein.
Zeitplan des Treffens
16:00 Begrüßung und Kennenlernen
16:15 Vorstellung des Projekts und Nachfragen
16:40 Für welchen Zielgruppen kann das Spiel interessant sein?
17:00 Welche Aspekte von Migrations- und Inklusionsprozessen sollten im Spiel auftauchen?
17:30 Möglichkeiten von Kooperation und Vernetzung
17:45 Perspektiven und Abschluss
Bei Fragen wendet Euch gerne telefonisch oder per Email an uns. Um eine vorherige formlose Anmeldung per Email an organize& wird gebeten.
!!Become part of an unique learning experience! Join our try-out of the brand new role- & simulation game on the topic migration!!
What does it mean to move to a new country? How much power different passports have & how does it influence the chances & opportunities? Which situations people face in the country of arrival? With which (legal) procedures migrants have to deal? And how it is linked to discrimination and racism?
These are just some aspects which are addressed by our simulation- & roleplay on the topic of migration. Are you curious to get to know more about our brand new developed non-formal edagogical tool?
Then apply for our Try Out activity in March 2019: We will use the try out activity to
test, evaluate and discuss the non-formal educational tool together with you. That means
you will get to know our new role play- & simulation game and will help us at the same time
to improve the tool and to make it better.
For more information visit our website. Please make clear that you are fitting to the profile of participants we are searching for. If here are any doubts, please ask:
If you are interested in taking part in this project, please fill in the application form on the website of our partner organisation art fusion and submit it until 27th of January 2019: https://application_form
In September we will offer the great chance to play our self-developed role- & simulation game on the topic migration. Additionally we will teach you in different aspects of facilitating by using interactive methods of non-formal learning.
What is Minosia Labyrinth?
Minosia Labyrinth is an interactive role play- and simulation game on the topic of migration. It aims to raise awareness on the complexities of the migration process and the difficulties migrants and refugees face in Europe. By letting participants “step in the footsteps” of a migrant or e.g. a policy implementer, we aim to bring far away experiences closer to us. The game creates empathy and enhances understanding for the people affected by migration and offers a multidimensional approach to reflect on privileges, prejudices and stereotypes. It shows the (in)human side of what migration entails, it is an interactive learning experience in which the unimaginable becomes imaginable. The game is designed to be played by different target groups from diverse age and background, with a minimum of 25 and a maximum of 40 players. The duration of the game is between half day up to a day, depending on the complexity level.
About the Tutor Training:
After a first try out experience of the game – which took place in March 2019 in Berlin – and with help of the feedback and evaluation made after the activity, the consortium reworked and upgraded some parts and elements of the game. As a result, the final European version is now ready. The next step in the project is preparing people who are interested in becoming facilitators of the game.
The Tutor Training that will take place in the Netherlands, will be divided in two parts: 1. the theoretical section where participants will attend workshops and activities to get informed about the facilitation process and learn how to be game tutors; and 2. the experimental section where participants will have the chance to put into practice their abilities as tutors. Those, who joint the try out activity in March will facilitate the role- & simulation game, the newbies will take part as participants in playing the game.
Fill in the application form to join: Application form
This event will be in german language but is open for foreign participants as well. Click on german.
This event will be in german language but is open for foreign participants as well. Click on german.
Are you interested about migration and want to learn and reflect on its place in your history and present?
Would you like to take part in a non-formal educational methodology to experience a simulation of the social and bureaucratic processes of migration?
Do you want to acquire new tools to fight against prejudices and stereotypes that exist all over Europe?
Join our trip to Minosia Labyrinth!
An experience in EduLarping on Migration and Inclusion
Minosia Labyrinth is an interactive role play- and simulation game on the topic of migration. It aims to raise awareness on the complexities of the migration process and the difficulties migrants and refugees face in Europe. The game creates empathy and enhances understanding for the people affected by migration. It offers a multidimensional approach to reflect on privileges, prejudices and stereotypes.
We invite you to experience this interactive learning approach and discuss issues related to inclusion, anti-discrimination, our colonial heritage… and of course, touring Berlin from a perspective of migrant and critical resistance. We provide you an insight view on the the methods we use and the techniques behind and we connect you to the network of facilitators for the Minosia approach.
It will be a 5 days immersion in Berlin, with a mixed group of people from different countries from Europe.
You can check more about Minosia Labyrinth at:
When? From October 3 to 7 , 2022 (Travelling days 2nd and 8th) [*Local people see additional information below]
Where? In Berlin, Germany
If you have any questions, please contact us! We will be happy to clarify your questions.
* For local Berlin people: You can apply as well only to take part in the EduLARP-Part from of October – in case please mention this in your application!
This project is organized by “solar e.V.” together with the partners of “New women Connectors” from the Netherlands, “Passion Udflugt” from Denmark and “Macuco” from Austria. All organizations linked to promote participation, diverse learning and empowerment in various areas.
Participation in this project is free of cost. Costs for travelling, accommodation and food will be covered by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Are you interested about migration and want to learn and reflect on its place in your history and present?
Would you like to take part in a non-formal educational methodology to experience a simulation of the social and bureaucratic processes of migration?
Do you want to acquire new tools to fight against prejudices and stereotypes that exist all over Europe?
Join our trip to Minosia Labyrinth!
An experience in EduLarping on Migration and Inclusion
Minosia Labyrinth is an interactive role play- and simulation game on the topic of migration. It aims to raise awareness on the complexities of the migration process and the difficulties migrants and refugees face in Europe. The game creates empathy and enhances understanding for the people affected by migration. It offers a multidimensional approach to reflect on privileges, prejudices and stereotypes.
We invite you to experience this interactive learning approach and discuss issues related to inclusion, anti-discrimination, our colonial heritage… and of course, touring Berlin from a perspective of migrant and critical resistance. We provide you an insight view on the the methods we use and the techniques behind and we connect you to the network of facilitators for the Minosia approach.
It will be a 5 days immersion in Berlin, with a mixed group of people from different countries from Europe.
You can check more about Minosia Labyrinth at:
When? From October 3 to 7 , 2022 (Travelling days 2nd and 8th)
Where? In Berlin, Germany
If you have any questions, please contact us! We will be happy to clarify your questions.
This project is organized by “solar e.V.” together with the partners of “New women Connectors” from the Netherlands, “Passion Udflugt” from Denmark and “Macuco” from Austria. All organizations linked to promote participation, diverse learning and empowerment in various areas.
Participation in this project is free of cost. Costs for travelling, accommodation and food will be covered by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.