Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht über die kommenden Veranstaltungen – durchgeführt von uns und unserem Kooperationspartner OBUK e.V. Für die Inhalte der OBUK-Veranstaltungen ist OBUK e.V. selbst verantwortlich.

INTERNATIONAL TRAINING: „Tear down these Walls! Educational Approaches against Europe’s Past und Present Division“ Part I in Berlin (04.03. – 12.03.)
März 4 um 16:00 – März 12 um 16:00

We will learn, try out, discuss and evaluate a large variety of pedagogical approaches to deal with the European east-west history and it`s current consequences. To reflect the European history and the still existing stereotypes about „the east“ and „the west“ is an important part of political education and is contributing to a peaceful Europe in future.


Initial training course in Berlin (04.03. – 12.03.2016)
practice-period (March – September)
final training in Bucharest (05.09. – 12.09.2016)

More information: http://solarev.org/en/2016/06/22/tear-down-these-walls-bucharest/

ORGANIZED by solar e.V.

INTERNATIONAL TRAINING: „Migration & Inclusion. Chances and Challenges for our Future“ Part I in Berlin (29.04. – 08.05.)
Apr. 29 um 15:00 – Mai 8 um 16:00

This double training course promotes pedagogical approaches in dealing with challenges and opportunities in multicultural and pluralistic societies and empowers the participants to work on reflective competences and tools for social change. We will learn, try out, discuss and evaluate a large variety of pedagogical approaches to deal with the topics of migration, anti-racist education, stereotypes, intercultural dialogue and conflict management.
Language: English


Initial training in Berlin (29.04. – 08.05.)
practice-period (May – October)
final training in Amsterdam (14.10. – 23.10.)

More information & application

On our website: http://solarev.org/en/
Contact: migration@solarev.org

ORGANIZED by solar e.V.

VOCATIONAL TRAINING: „Building a real community. Intergenerational living and housing“
Juni 4 um 9:00 – Juni 8 um 18:00

The last years brought up a big variety of intergenerational projects. The challenge of changing family structures, different life journeys and backgrounds brought up a great demand and interest for social and community orientated living-models apart from isolated small family living and old age homes. More and more people took in hand their future and developed intergenerational community projects. Berlin as a traditional hotspot for the development of new living models can show a lot of different ways how groups started, developed and accomplished their visions. In this 5 days course we will give attention to the activists, their experience and advice. We will visit different intergenerational community housing projects and we will have the chance to talk to the residents and the ones who helped them to establish their plans. We will hear and learn about the process of self-organisation, financial, legal and social issues and we will get in contact with professionals who support groups.

For organisations interested in participating it’s possible to apply for a Erasmus+ funding for KA1 mobility.
Please note that you can only apply as an organisation, not individually.

For a documentation of the training, please visit: http://obuk-ev.org/bildungsprojekte/building-a-real-community/