Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht über die kommenden Veranstaltungen – durchgeführt von uns und unserem Kooperationspartner OBUK e.V. Für die Inhalte der OBUK-Veranstaltungen ist OBUK e.V. selbst verantwortlich.

TAGESSEMINAR: Intersektionalität in politischer Bildungsarbeit – wie kann das Anwendung finden?
Juli 2 um 10:00 – 16:30

Intersektionalität beleuchtet das Zusammenwirkungen unterschiedlicher Formen von Diskriminierung (und Privilegierung), wie Rassismus, Sexismus, Klassismus. In diesem Seminar werden wir interaktive Methoden der politischen Bildungsarbeit ausprobieren, die diese Verflechtungen bewusst machen wollen.

ORGANIZED by solar e.V.

New social movements: Clashes and changes
Aug. 2 um 10:00 – 17:00

This seminar focuses on the development and influences of social movements after the peak point of the world wide protests in 1968s. As an introduction we will provide an overview of the diversity of new social movements in this time, related to: Gay-Lesbians, Ecology, Peace as well as the Anti-nuclear movement and the “One World” and Anti-imperialist movement. All these movements focus on the change of society to reach a situation with less discrimination of minorities, to fight for equal rights and for the right to live in a healthy environment and without war.
Furthermore we will look on the own experiences of the workshop-participants with social movements in different countries.

More information: www.obuk-ev.org/en/bildungsprojekte/social-movements-migration/

Cultures of remembrance in comparison
Aug. 3 um 10:00 – 18:00

In Germany remembrance of the Nazism-period plays a key role in the culture of remembrance. This seminar gives a brief introduction to this topic and the ways of remembrance (“’museumification” & “monument-mania”) in this country. We will start this course with the visit of the historical site and memorial “Haus Schwarzenberg” in the former Jewish quarter and the Museum of Anne Frank.

But how is remembrance made e.g. in Africa? This should be an initial point to start an exchange and discussion about different cultures of remembrance in the countries of origin of the participants. Possible topics include various forms and ways of remembrance, how memories are shared to the next generations, which historical events are transferred to the collective memories and how it´s possible to make invisible perspectives visible within a community.

More information: www.obuk-ev.org/en/bildungsprojekte/social-movements-migration/

Revolutions? The East-German ‘turnaround’ and other experiences
Aug. 5 um 10:00 – 18:00

Starting from the various aspects of the oppositional movements in the GDR (East Germany) we will furthermore open up perspectives for experiences from others countries.

In this course we will visit the Stasi-Museum, look inside the everyday life in the GDR and throw the spotlight on the oppositional movement and the turnaround (“Die Wende”).
In a further step we will create an Open-Space to discuss, exchange and learn about and from the experiences with revolutionary movements in the countries of origin of the participants: To what extend were the revolutionary movements successful or failed? Why did they fail? Who were the activists who drove the change? Which main topics and goals did the movements try to achieve? Are revolutionary movements necessary to change society in an emancipatory direction?

More information: www.obuk-ev.org/en/bildungsprojekte/social-movements-migration/

German right-wing and xenophobic movements
Aug. 9 um 10:00 – 17:00

This seminar will show the continuity of Nazi-structures, the development of the “New Right” in West-Germany and the development after the reunification of East- and West-Germany in 1990. We will explain right wing codes and symbols and we will provide an overview about the current situation of the right extremist and xenophobic movement in Germany. In a further step the seminar will deal with questions such as how right-wing movements in Europe are connected to each other and why they are on the rise in Europe.

More information: www.obuk-ev.org/en/bildungsprojekte/social-movements-migration/

International Solidarity: From the 1968s to “Willkommenskultur”
Aug. 10 um 10:00 – 17:00

This seminar will give an overview on the history of the 1968 students movement and it’s relation to international solidarity. But how was the solidarity received by the movements in the global south? Was there a positive impact on the political and liberation movements in the colonized and post-colonized countries? And what about reciprocity?

Nowadays many people in Germany are involved in the self-organized “Willkommenskultur”-groups to help refugees and migrants. Hereby the refugees and migrants are often in the position to receive help and to learn how to integrate into mainstream society. Frequently their competences, knowledge and skills are not recognized and perceived as resources of the society. What can we do to overcome these paternalistic structures?

More information: www.obuk-ev.org/en/bildungsprojekte/social-movements-migration/

International women`s movements
Aug. 11 um 10:00 – 17:00

As a short introduction, the seminar will inform about the history of women´s movements in Germany and the reasons why they started to fight for equal rights, empowering and emancipation.
In the main part of the seminar will be space for exchange, discussion and knowledge sharing about own experiences with women´s movements in the different countries of origin of the participants and the role of women´s movement in social, political and economic change of societies. This dialogue of perspectives should also focus on the challenges of an intersectional perspective, that’s taking into account multiple systems of dominance that structure (not only) women’s lives and the course of women’s movements (like racism, heteronomativity, class structures, ablism etc.). This intersectional perspective was developed by women’s movement activists especially from the global south as a critique of the blind spots within western feminist perspectives.
Taking that critique into account we want to discuss together how solidarity among women’s movements in different contexts can be possible – without paternalistic gestures and without remaining an empty phrase.
This seminar is onlyfor LBTI+, no CIS- Men!

More information: www.obuk-ev.org/en/bildungsprojekte/social-movements-migration/

INTERNATIONAL TRAINING: „Tear down these Walls! Educational Approaches against Europe’s Past und Present Division“ Part II in Bucharest (05.09. – 12.09.)
Sep. 5 um 12:00 – Sep. 12 um 16:00

We’re looking for participants from the Netherlands, Italy, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Serbia, who would like to join our training project in Bucharest and who work with youths/young adults.
The course is a followup of a training that took place in Berlin in March this year. The Bucharest training is conceptualized as an independent non-formal educational unit in this longterm project. We invite new participants to apply for the Bucharest part. It’s a cooperation project of us (solar e.V.) and our Romanian partner organisation Asociatia Expeditie in Cultura. (For more information about what happened so far, please visit our project blog: http://solarev.org/teardownthesewalls/)

About the training

In these 6 days we will learn, try out, discuss and evaluate a large variety of non-formal pedagogical approaches to deal with the European east-west history and it`s current consequences. To reflect the European history and the still existing stereotypes about „the east“ and „the west“ is an important part of political education and is contributing to a peaceful Europe in future.
We want to exchange experiences and perspectives on that topic. This also includes the presentation and evaluation of the projects that have been implemented by the participants of the Berlin training.
Furthermore, the participants will get information about the communist time in Romania. In order to deal with the wide range of pedagogical approaches the training involves activities such as doing excursions to historical memorial places, talking with contemporary witnesses, doing biographical work and trying out creative and artistic methods and developing skills such as dealing with conflict or using pictures and visual methods.
The language of communication during the training will be English. There will be vegan / vegetarian food and sometimes options to eat meat.

More information & application

In order to participate, please fill in our online application form on our website:

ORGANIZED by solar e.V.

INTERNATIONAL TRAINING: „Migration & Inclusion. Chances and Challenges for our Future“ Part II in Amsterdam (14.10. – 23.10.)
Okt. 14 um 16:00 – Okt. 23 um 16:00

Migration – and especially the situation of refugees – is one of the main topics in public opinion all over Europe. Images of shipwrecked people dying or being rescued in the Mediterranean, people crossing borders in the Balkan countries or trying to cross the channel-tunnel to Britain are day by day in the news. Millions of people worldwide are on the move as a result of war, discrimination, social inequality and economic deprival in the hope to find a better future elsewhere. But there is still no clear European strategy helping to deal with the problems faced by those people, except for populist debates, rising hostilities against refugees, the over-securitization of borders and military solutions such as hunting escape helpers or criminalising rescue helpers at sea. Yet migration is of all times and people will continue looking for better opportunities. One of the main challenges of our time is the acceptance of the presence of migrants and their inclusion in European societies.

This double training course consists of two eight-day training events on the topic of migration and inclusion in Berlin and Amsterdam. They will be connected by a five-month try-out and evaluation period of conducting nonformal educational methods and best practice in all partner countries. The participants will learn, try out, discuss and evaluate a large variety of pedagogical approaches to deal with the topics of migration, anti-racist education, stereotypes, intercultural dialogue and conflict management. The trainings involve activities such as doing excursions and guided tours, talking to contemporary witnesses, work with creative and artistic methods, try out methods of anti-racist and trans-cultural education and sharing knowledge and experiences.
The activities in the program will qualify the trainees within the context of intercultural learning and stimulate them to develop and adopt new skills concerning the topics of migration and inclusion of migrants. The training promotes pedagogical approaches in dealing with challenges and opportunities in multicultural and pluralistic societies and empowers the participants to work on reflective competences and tools for social change. Thus the participants will be able to use their newly acquired expertise in their work with youth and young adults and share and multiply what they have learned with fellow youth workers. An online blog will be used as a working and dissemination tool to collect, discuss and reflect the content during and after the whole project.

The language of communication during the trainings will be English, the food will be vegetarian/vegan.


29.04. – 08.05.2016: initial training course in Berlin/Germany, hosted by solar e.V.
May – October: practice period
14.10. – 23.10.2016 (ATTENTION: date has changed): final training in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, hosted by Stichting Diversiteitsland

More information & application

Please visit our website: http://solarev.org/en/2016/02/15/training-migration-and-inclusion/
Contact: migration@solarev.org

ORGANIZED by solar e.V.

TAGESSEMINAR: Kulturalisierung / Kultureller Rassismus
Okt. 28 um 10:00 – 16:30

Der ursprüngliche biologische Rassismus (es gäbe verschiedene „Menschenrassen“) wird heutzutage weitgehend von kulturellem Rassismus abgelöst. Hierbei werden Kulturen als geschlossene Einheiten gesehen, deren „Zugehörige“ angeblich bestimmte Eigenschaften hätten. Zudem wird suggeriert, Kulturen seien starr (fast) unveränderbar und unvereinbar miteinander. Diesem Phänomen möchten wir auf den Grund gehen und gemeinsam interaktive Übungen ausprobieren, die kulturellen Rassismus aufdecken und ihm entgegen wirken können.

ORGANIZED by solar e.V.