Here you find an overview of upcoming seminars and trainings that we and our partner organisation OBUK e.V. organize. OBUK e.V. is responsible for the content of the seminars and workshops offered by them.
- Categories
- Tags Antirassismus Armut Ausbeutung Beratung Berlin Bewegung Bildung critical whiteness decolonize Deutschland discrimination education eduLARP Energiesparen Entwicklung Erasmus+ Erinnerungskultur Fahrrad fleeing Flight Flucht Flüchtlinge Fluchtursachen Fremdenfeindlichkeit Game Geflüchtete Gerechtigkeit Geschichte globale Gerechtigkeit Globalisierung Herero inclusion Information Inklusion integration intersectionality Intersektional Kaunatjike Klima klimafreundlich Klimagerechtigkeit Klimaschutz klimaverträglich Klimawandel Kolonialgeschichte Kolonialismus Konsum kritisch LARP Methode Migrant Migration Mobilität Nachbarschaft Nahverkehr Nama Namibia NKI Nulltarif ökologisch Padagogik postkolonial Powersharing Privilegien racism Rassismus Rassismus verlernen Rollenspiel Sensibilisierung Simulation Simulationsspiel Spiel Stadtspaziergang Stereotypen Tool Trainer Umweltschutz Verkehr Verkehrswende Völkermord Vorurteile Wandel Weißensee weißsein Wohlstand Zugewanderte zukunftsfähig
![[:de]>ABGESAGT< Migrationspädagogik erfahren: Lern-Erlebnisreise ins Minosia Labyrinth[:en]>ABGESAGT/CANCELLED< Migrationspädagogik erfahren: Lern-Erlebnisreise ins Minosia Labyrinth[:]](
*This event is only available in German. Please consult the German-language text to learn more.*
In diesem Wochenend-Präsenz-Seminar (NICHT online!) wollen wir das neue EduLARP* „Minosia Labyrinth“ anwenden. Die Bildungsmethode Minosia Labyrinth behandelt die Themen Migration & Inklusion. Die Teilnehmenden schlüpfen in die Rollen migrantischer und institutioneller Charaktere und erleben einen simulierten Migrations- und Ankommensprozess im fiktiven europäischen Land Minosia. Die Migrant*innen-Charaktere durchlaufen typisch Orte und Prozeduren eines Migrations- und Integrationsprozesses in Europa, während andere Teilnehmende in Institutionen und Organisationen tätig sind. Minosia Labyrinth kann von vielfältigen – auch gemischten – Gruppen von Erwachsenen und Jugendlichen gespielt werden. Es sensibilisiert für die Situation von Migrant*innen und für Integrationsfragen, erzeugt Empathie, dekonstruiert Stereotype und Vorurteile, vermittelt Wissen über die Komplexität von Migrationsprozessen und lässt die Spielenden über ihre Privilegien nachdenken. Zudem steigert es die Wahrnehmung globaler Abhängigkeiten und historischer Hintergründe von Migration.
Wie das geht? Begebt euch mit uns auf die Reise nach Minosia.
Wichtig! Im Seminar wird Minosia Labyrinth als Methode ausprobiert – das heißt, ihr müsst in zuvor zugeteilte Rollen schlüpfen und euch auf das Minosia-Szenario einlassen. Danach werden wir die gemeinsamen Erfahrung ausführlich auswerten.
Wer kann sich anmelden? Alle Interessierte, insbesondere Aktive in der sozialen, kulturellen und politischen Bildungsarbeit für Erwachsene und Jugendliche: Multiplikator*innen, Lehrer*innen, Sozialarbeiter*innen und Sozialpädagog*innen, Trainer*innen in der nicht-formalen Bildungsarbeit etc.
Wann & wo? Am Sa. 30. + So. 31.10.2021 im KuBiZ in Berlin-Weißensee jeweils von 9:00-18:00 Uhr.
Corona-Bedingungen: Die Bildungsveranstaltung findet unter Einhaltung der jeweils aktuellen Corona-Vorschriften des Landes Berlin statt. Alle Teilnehmenden sind verpflichtet sich an den von uns zuvor erstellten Hygieneplan zu halten.
Teilnahmegebühr: 20 Euro (Verpflegung während der Veranstaltung inbegriffen)
Voranmeldung: durch das Formular unten
Veranstalter: solar e.V.
Die Veranstaltung wird von der Berliner Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung gefördert.
Are you interested about migration and want to learn and reflect on its place in your history and present?
Would you like to take part in a non-formal educational methodology to experience a simulation of the social and bureaucratic processes of migration?
Do you want to acquire new tools to fight against prejudices and stereotypes that exist all over Europe?
Join our trip to Minosia Labyrinth!
An experience in EduLarping on Migration and Inclusion
Minosia Labyrinth is an interactive role play- and simulation game on the topic of migration. It aims to raise awareness on the complexities of the migration process and the difficulties migrants and refugees face in Europe. The game creates empathy and enhances understanding for the people affected by migration. It offers a multidimensional approach to reflect on privileges, prejudices and stereotypes.
We invite you to experience this interactive learning approach and discuss issues related to inclusion, anti-discrimination, our colonial heritage… and of course, touring Berlin from a perspective of migrant and critical resistance. We provide you an insight view on the the methods we use and the techniques behind and we connect you to the network of facilitators for the Minosia approach.
It will be a 5 days immersion in Berlin, with a mixed group of people from different countries from Europe.
You can check more about Minosia Labyrinth at:
When? From October 3 to 7 , 2022 (Travelling days 2nd and 8th) [*Local people see additional information below]
Where? In Berlin, Germany
If you have any questions, please contact us! We will be happy to clarify your questions.
* For local Berlin people: You can apply as well only to take part in the EduLARP-Part from of October – in case please mention this in your application!
This project is organized by “solar e.V.” together with the partners of “New women Connectors” from the Netherlands, “Passion Udflugt” from Denmark and “Macuco” from Austria. All organizations linked to promote participation, diverse learning and empowerment in various areas.
Participation in this project is free of cost. Costs for travelling, accommodation and food will be covered by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Are you interested about migration and want to learn and reflect on its place in your history and present?
Would you like to take part in a non-formal educational methodology to experience a simulation of the social and bureaucratic processes of migration?
Do you want to acquire new tools to fight against prejudices and stereotypes that exist all over Europe?
Join our trip to Minosia Labyrinth!
An experience in EduLarping on Migration and Inclusion
Minosia Labyrinth is an interactive role play- and simulation game on the topic of migration. It aims to raise awareness on the complexities of the migration process and the difficulties migrants and refugees face in Europe. The game creates empathy and enhances understanding for the people affected by migration. It offers a multidimensional approach to reflect on privileges, prejudices and stereotypes.
We invite you to experience this interactive learning approach and discuss issues related to inclusion, anti-discrimination, our colonial heritage… and of course, touring Berlin from a perspective of migrant and critical resistance. We provide you an insight view on the the methods we use and the techniques behind and we connect you to the network of facilitators for the Minosia approach.
It will be a 5 days immersion in Berlin, with a mixed group of people from different countries from Europe.
You can check more about Minosia Labyrinth at:
When? From October 3 to 7 , 2022 (Travelling days 2nd and 8th)
Where? In Berlin, Germany
If you have any questions, please contact us! We will be happy to clarify your questions.
This project is organized by “solar e.V.” together with the partners of “New women Connectors” from the Netherlands, “Passion Udflugt” from Denmark and “Macuco” from Austria. All organizations linked to promote participation, diverse learning and empowerment in various areas.
Participation in this project is free of cost. Costs for travelling, accommodation and food will be covered by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
![Migration erfahren: Lern-Erlebnisreise ins Minosia Labyrinth @ CVJM Tagungshaus Kassel](
Interaktives Rollenspiel zum Thema Flucht und Migration
Migration ist vielfältig, alltäglich und global über alle Zeiten zu beobachten. Gesellschaftlich wird sie jedoch sehr verengt und meist zugespitzt und polarisierend wahrgenommen und diskutiert. Die jüngsten Migrationsbewegungen aufgrund des Ukrainekrieges haben erneut sichtbar gemacht, wie unterschiedlich die Aufmerksamkeit und Solidarität mit Migrant*innen in Europa ist. Doch diese gesellschaftlichen und individuellen Wahrnehmungen beeinflussen nicht nur das Schicksal der Migrant*innen, sondern auch die Praxis von z.B. Behörden, Sozialarbeiter*innen und Helfer*innen.
In dieser Fortbildung übernehmen die Teilnehmenden die Rollen von Migrant*innen oder administrativen und zivilgesellschaftlichen Entscheidungsträger*innen, um für sie weit entfernte Erfahrungen näher zu holen. Die anschließende pädagogische Auswertung fördert Empathie und Verständnis und zeigt Handlungsmöglichkeiten auf.
Die in der Fortbildung angewendete interaktive Methode des Bildungs-Live-Action-Role-Playing (EduLARP) gehört bereits in einigen europäischen Ländern zum Standard im formellen sowie informellen Bildungskontext.
Die Fortbildung richtet sich an Menschen mit und ohne Flucht- bzw. Migrationserfahrung. Sie wird von einem gemischten Team des Bildungskollektivs solar e.V. durchgeführt.
Zielgruppe: Fachkräfte und Mitarbeiter*innen in den Arbeitsbereichen Migration und Flucht (Beratung, Nachbarschafts- und Quartierarbeit, Sammelunterkünfte, Verwaltung) und der sozialen, kulturellen und politischen Bildungsarbeit für Erwachsene und Jugendliche (Multiplikator*innen, Lehrer*innen, Sozialarbeiter*innen und Sozialpädagog*innen, Trainer*innen in der nicht-formalen Bildungsarbeit) und Interessierte.
– Wirkweisen und Strukturen im Kontext von Flucht/Migration
– Perspektivwechsel und Reflexion zu Rollen und Positionen
– Handlungsmöglichkeiten der Zivilgesellschaft und im Arbeitskontext
Bildungs-Live-Action-Role-Playing (EduLARP) mit simulationsbasierten Techniken.
Bundesakademie für Kirche und Diakonie
Team von solar e.V., Berlin.
In Kooperationt mit:
solar e.V. – soziales Leben undArbeiten
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft evangelische Jugendsozialarbeit (BAG EJSA)
Entwicklungspolitisches Netzwerk Hessen (EPN Hessen) e.V.
Jüdische Gemeinde Kassel
![[:de]Junges Leben im ländlichen Raum fördern - aus der Vergangenheit lernen, die Zukunft gestalten [:en]Foster young life in rural areas – learn from the past, create for the future[:] @ Gurro / Italy](
Foster young life in rural areas – learn from the past, create for the future
29. July – 9th August 2023 in Gurro (Italy)
We invite trainers, youth workers and youth activists interested in reflecting about and bringing progress and living perspectives for young people into rural areas to apply for the first of a two-part training workshop. The first activity will take place between the 29th July and the 9th August 2023 in the Verbania-Ossola (North-Italy) area and the second is going to follow next year in Germany.
Find more informations here.
![[:de]Migrationspädagogik erleben: Reise ins Minosia Labyrinth![:en]Experience migration education: Journey into the Minosia Labyrinth![:] @ Meißner, Northern Hesse](
Experience migration education: Journey into the Minosia Labyrinth!”>Reise nach Minosia!Are you interested about migration and want to learn and reflect on its place in your history and present?
Would you like to take part in a non-formal educational methodology to experience a simulation of the social, bureaucratic and political processes of migration?
Do you want to acquire new tools to fight against prejudices and stereotypes that exist all over Europe?
Read more about our trip to Minosia!
![[:de]Erprobungsworkshop neuer postkolonialer Bildungsmethoden[:en]Trial out workshop of new postcolonial educational approach[:] @ tagungswerk im KuBiZ](
In the framework of a project „Postcolonial educational perspectives on global racism and resistance“ with part of the Chilean and Sudanese activist communities in Berlin, we were working on a method for political education to reflect on antidiscrimination (principally against migrants) with a perspective that tries to include strongly the role that plays colonialism.
We want to have an implementations of the method, so we invite you to participate in a workshop/meeting.
You will have the opportunity to learn and experience this new methodology in practice and give us your valuable feedback. You will also get to know some of the development team and facilitators of this project, so that we can further develop our networks on these topics.
Please register via email to .
This event is offered by Förderverein Offene Bildung Umwelt Kultur e.V.
Gathering to present the new methodology
“The Journey towards other perspectives” – A tool for anti-racist political education.
We invite individuals, organizations, and institutions interested in anti-discriminatory educational work incorporating the current role that colonialism plays, to get to know this tool developed by politically active and organized people from Chile and Sudan living in Germany. We will present the project, the process and how you can use this methodology in different contexts and groups.
This event is offered by Förderverein Offene Bildung Umwelt Kultur e.V.
13.-21. July 2024 in Hoher Meißner (Germany)
Available (only) for residents from Italy, Germany and Austria!
This training workshop is the second part of a project that began last summer. Participation does not require knowledge from the first part of the workshop. An update for the newcomers will be provided at the beginning of the workshop.
In this workshop we will reflect about and acquire skills and ideas to bring progress and living perspectives for young people into rural areas. The first activity took place last summer in the Verbania-Ossola area (North-Italy). This year we will meet in Northern Hesse (Germany) in the rural area of Hoher Meißner.
Using creative learning methods and field research we want to exchange about the challenges for young people, which result from the rural exodus, brain drain and overaging of rural villages. Exploitation of nature and a cultural and social decline on the one hand and the growing desire of many young city dwellers for a life close to nature in the countryside on the other hand will be the starting point for our problem investigations and the best practice we will visit. In addition to the beautiful natural surroundings, the Hoher Meißner region is rich in the history of the youth movement and alternative living, working and participation projects that need to be explored.
How can we discover, elaborate and expand practices of social and ecological and sustainable transformation? What is supporting quality of life in the rural areas and how can we contribute to breaking down social and economic barriers and make rural areas more attractive and liveable for young people again? How is youth in rural areas specifically affected by the menace of climate change and environmental protection. Working on these questions we want to enable ourselves to support the creation of inclusive spaces and to promote diversity.
On all these topics we will provide non-formal learning opportunities and best practice social working approaches. We want to learn from each other and together as well as self-reflect and critically analyse our work in our environments.
The participation is free of charge and includes accommodation, food and transportation. It is mainly addressed to youth workers, activists and trainers in non-formal education. Freelancers and people that are interested in this field are welcome as well as people that face discrimination or have fewer opportunities.
The project is closed!
Join us to experience “Minosia Labyrinth” – Learn and Reflect on Migration and Inclusion!
Are you passionate to learn and understand more about migration and inclusion? Do you want to step into another role and explore these issues from different perspectives? Then join us in last week of November 2024 for a unique EduLARP (Educational Life- Action Roleplay) experience with Minosia Labyrinth, where you’ll engage in thought-provoking, interactive activities designed to foster empathy, reflection, and discussion.
A selection of suitable trainers and youth workers will have the opportunity to get a training opportunity to become facilitator of the method afterwards.
What to Expect:
- Experience Minosia Labyrinth method in a4-day immersive experience where you will learn and reflect on migration and inclusion through role-play and simulation. The game-method provides a powerful tool to explore the complexities of the migration process and encourages participants to challenge their own biases and perspectives.
- Take part in he supporting program to connect you with the topics and the EduLARP approach.
- Facilitating Minosia Labyrinth: Alongside the experience, we’re offering an intensive qualification course to train selected participants on facilitating the Minosia Labyrinth method. This training is perfect for educators, trainers, and those working in social fields looking to incorporate innovative methods into their work.
Why Participate?
- Engage with interactive, non-formal education methods that address critical issues like discrimination, racism and migration.
- Find new opportunities to use within your organisation or professional networks.
- Gain insights into the techniques behind the Minosia approach and connect with an international network of facilitators and implementing organisations.
- Discuss social inclusion and reflect on how the challenges faced in the game mirror real-migrations situations in Europe.
Finding a new way to combat the growing hostility towards migrants
- When? 20.-25. January 2025
- Duration: 4 days training course + 2 travel-days
- Where? Berlin, Germany
- Who can apply? Anyone interested get to know a new approach an learning about migration and inclusion from the partner-countries Germany, Italy, Greece and Spain. Please note that the Minosia Labyrinth method and facilities are not barrier-free, and English language skills are required. INFORMATION: The application list for participants from Italy, Greece and Spain is CLOSED! Further applications from these countries will be deleted without review!
- Participation in the project is free. Travel, group-dorm accommodation, and vegan food are covered by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.* This trauning course is part of the project “Fostering the use of EduLARP methods on migration topics”.
Are you interested to participate? Then fill out (ONLY GERMAN RESIDENTS!)the application form(Link)
Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn, reflect, and be part of the Minosia approach.
Join us in January – and be ready for a transformative journey
*The data of participants will be delivered to the Erasmus+ funding portal.