Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht über die kommenden Veranstaltungen – durchgeführt von uns und unserem Kooperationspartner OBUK e.V. Für die Inhalte der OBUK-Veranstaltungen ist OBUK e.V. selbst verantwortlich.

INTERNATIONAL TRAINING: „Tear down these Walls! Educational Approaches against Europe’s Past und Present Division“ Part I in Berlin (04.03. – 12.03.)
März 4 um 16:00 – März 12 um 16:00

We will learn, try out, discuss and evaluate a large variety of pedagogical approaches to deal with the European east-west history and it`s current consequences. To reflect the European history and the still existing stereotypes about „the east“ and „the west“ is an important part of political education and is contributing to a peaceful Europe in future.


Initial training course in Berlin (04.03. – 12.03.2016)
practice-period (March – September)
final training in Bucharest (05.09. – 12.09.2016)

More information: http://solarev.org/en/2016/06/22/tear-down-these-walls-bucharest/

ORGANIZED by solar e.V.

INTERNATIONAL TRAINING: „Migration & Inclusion. Chances and Challenges for our Future“ Part I in Berlin (29.04. – 08.05.)
Apr. 29 um 15:00 – Mai 8 um 16:00

This double training course promotes pedagogical approaches in dealing with challenges and opportunities in multicultural and pluralistic societies and empowers the participants to work on reflective competences and tools for social change. We will learn, try out, discuss and evaluate a large variety of pedagogical approaches to deal with the topics of migration, anti-racist education, stereotypes, intercultural dialogue and conflict management.
Language: English


Initial training in Berlin (29.04. – 08.05.)
practice-period (May – October)
final training in Amsterdam (14.10. – 23.10.)

More information & application

On our website: http://solarev.org/en/
Contact: migration@solarev.org

ORGANIZED by solar e.V.